IT, computers and telephones

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Computers, telephones, wifi, internet.

Get a work mobile or BlackBerry  Task

Emergency or short term use Dial 6661 Long term use Mobile requests: 5 days in advance BlackBerry requests: 10 days in advance, plus you’ll need approval from your Deputy Director …

Get additional software  Task

Fill in the user account request form, choose the request type ‘Software change’. The purchase and intallation of new software is cost and system testing dependant. We usually have a …

Get internet access  Task

All members of staff are required read and sign the Acceptable Use Policy before they are given internet access. This document sets out the do’s and don’ts of using ACME ICT equipment …

Get my laptop password reset  Task

If you have forgotten your password or been locked out of your account please complete the 5 online security questions. Then all you’ll need to do is call the IT helpdesk on #6101 and answer …

Log on remotely from home or in the office  Task

Once you are set up to work remotely please use the guides below Remote Access full guide Remote Access quick start guide

Log on to my phone  Task

You will need to know your extension number* and have set up a secure PIN number. Then dial: *#46(personal extension number)*(PIN)# log off at the end of the day: #*46(PIN)# …

Report lost BlackBerry or mobile  Task

BlackBerry Call O2 on 0870 444 3027 (24 hours). You will need to: give them your mobile number explain what’s happened ask for the device to be blocked As soon as …

Making conference calls guide  Guide

You can set up a simple conference call for up to six numbers from your phone. For more than six numbers, use BT MeetMe. Press the button with the handset …

Find the staff telephone directory  Task

How to access the intranet staff directory.

Personal blogs guide  Guide

If your online presence, eg a blog, indicates you work at the ACME, tell your manager. Unless there are any specific concerns, you’re free to talk about ACME policies/projects and …