Evidence and analysis

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Carry out an impact assessment  Task

Contact the Evidence and Analysis Unit (EAU) to discuss whether you need an impact assessment. Then: prepare a draft impact assessment  using the Impact Assessment Template obtain internal clearance with …

Create a survey  Task

Contact the Evidence and Analysis Unit. They will provide you with a password to create a simple survey on Survey Monkey. Before contacting EAU consider: what information you want to …

Doing an impact assessment guide  Guide

Policy makers should consider the impact of new proposals on stakeholders. Impact assessments are a core part of the policy making process for any proposed change in legislation. Complete one …

Know when the next recruitment cycle will be  Task

Access the resourcing cycle timetable in the Projects section.

How to evaluate policy  Task

Evaluation is an important part of the policy cycle and should be started as early as possible. Ideally planning how you should evaluate a policy or project should go hand …

Policy evaluation guide  Guide

Why are policy evaluations important Evaluations are a crucial part of how the Government shows results to the taxpayer and achieves transparency in the decision making process. Evaluations are also …

Using evidence in policymaking guide  Guide

Evidence and analysis helps us to understand the sectors we work with, shows us what works and why, and can be used to predict future policy impacts.