Get a work mobile or BlackBerry Task

Emergency or short term use

Dial 6661

Long term use

Mobile requests: 5 days in advance

BlackBerry requests: 10 days in advance, plus you’ll need approval from your Deputy
Director via email


  • phones are assigned by post not person – if you move post, give your successor the phone
  • international calls are barred – if you need to make one give IS 24 hours’ notice before you leave the country
  • in some countries, using a BlackBerry is not permitted
  • calls are itemised and monitored, you may be asked to identify and reimburse personal calls

Further hints and tips:

How to activate your Voicemail

> Dial 91750 and stay on the line until you get the message that your VM is activated.
> Dial 901 to retrieve VM and to change your outgoing message
How to remove deleted items from Outlook from your BlackBerry

Go to Messages
> Options
> Email Reconciliation
> Menu button
and select purge deleted emails.

Please also see the online guides