Whistleblowing guide Guide

2. Confidentiality and handling

Your identity won’t be revealed without your consent.  If your concern can’t be resolved without revealing your identity ACME will discuss with you to agree a way forward.

You won’t be harassed or victimised for raising a genuine concern under this policy. Provided you are acting in good faith, it doesn’t matter if it later turns out you were mistaken: you won’t be subject to disciplinary action.

If someone deliberately makes false allegations disciplinary action may be taken.


You may be asked how you think the matter would best be resolved. You can opt to receive a written communication giving:

  • a summary of concern
  • how it will be handled
  • who is dealing with the matter
  • contact details
  • whether you might need to help further

You’ll receive as much feedback as possible, provided it doesn’t infringe a duty of confidence owed by us to someone else.