2. Calculating part-time annual leave
You calculate your leave allowance in hours:
- divide your annual leave allowance by 5, then multiply by how many days a week you work, eg 4
- take your leave in blocks of 7 hours (days) and 3.5 hours (half days)
- record your leave on Oracle
Public and privilege holidays
Your entitlement to public and privilege holidays is proportionate to your hours.
Calculate your yearly entitlement by multiplying the number of hours you work per week by 2.1
Example: If you work 18 and a half hours a week (half the week), your public and privilege holiday entitlement for the year is: 18.5 x 2.1 = 38.85 or 38 hours and 50 minutes
You should take the public and privilege holidays for the days you are contracted to work. These should then be totalled at the end of your leave year. If the total is:
- more than your allowance: debit this from your annual leave
- less than your allowance: credit your annual leave