Everything tagged: performance

Perception survey

HMCTS is conducting a perception survey to inform and improve how we communicate with court users. The UK and Switzerland have reached an agreement on transitional migration arrangements in the …

News 26th January 2024 

Poor performance guide

The department expects effective performance from all its employees. Managing poor performance fairly, effectively and promptly is critical to maintaining a professional Civil Service. Failure to address poor performance results …

Task (Category: HR, pay and employment) 

Forms and checklists (Performance and Development guide)

Our People Strategy – Performance Performance and Development Policy Performance and Development – further guidance Leadership qualities framework Key attributes for ACME Performance categories Checklist and preparation forms Employee Preparation …

Guide (Category: HR, pay and employment) 

Changing your Development Manager (Performance and Development guide)

When you get a new Development Manager, your current Development Manager should: have a final performance and development discussion with you make sure your performance appraisal is up to date …

Guide (Category: HR, pay and employment) 

Development Managers (Performance and Development guide)

Your Development Manager will oversee your development and performance and support you to manage your career.  Development Managers are also responsible for working with you and your activity managers to …

Guide (Category: HR, pay and employment) 

Activity Managers (Performance and Development guide)

 Activity Managers should: set your objectives within one month of the new reporting year or within one month of you  joining their team/project agree these objectives with you and send …

Guide (Category: HR, pay and employment) 

Performance and Development guide

SMART objectives, activity managers and development managers: allocation and changing your development manager.

Task (Category: HR, pay and employment)