Wonder wall
You can nominate someone for anything – big or small: a job well done; excellent cross-team collaboration; a creative solution to a problem – anything that’s made a difference to your day
For going above and beyond this weekend to ensure your charity of the year application got submitted in a very tight deadline, thank you.
Posted by Oscar Long in Confidence
Many thanks for coordinating and delivering another highly successful online course and many thanks too for everyone involved in delivering all the content and presenting.
Posted by Waltrud Nehring in Ambition
You are a total legend! Thank you so much for setting up the computers and getting everything ready for today. Your help was very much appreciated
Posted by Yvonne Reynolds in Excellence
Thank you so much for your continued support with our social media enquiries. Your speedy responses and helpful information are always hugely appreciated! You’re a star!
Posted by Alexander Gibson in All-round superstar
The Finance team and I are so grateful to you for working with us to produce our latest annual report.
Posted by Luke Oatham in Collaboration
Thanks for your tireless optimism when it comes to fixing issues of all shapes and sizes.
Posted by Luke Oatham in All-round superstar