Temporary promotions guide Task

You can usually plan ahead and advertise roles through the Flexible Resourcing cycle. When there’s an unforeseen/urgent business need, eg filling a gap while a vacancy is advertised, Activity Managers should follow these steps.

Step 1


  • sharing the work out with other colleagues on the project
  • arranging for colleagues to check the email mailbox or paper in-tray
  • asking if anyone is interested in taking on dutie
  • s at a higher grade as a development opportunity

Step 2

If these options aren’t possible, contact Strategy and Resourcing Team who may be able to match someone to the role from the Critical Support Unit.

Step 3

Consider a temporary promotion. Get the Corporate Committee to consider the business case and agree the temporary promotion, and any extension or variation to it.

Step 4

Nominate someone to fill the temporary promotion role who’s a good performer and is able to fulfill all of the duties of the role.

If the person who’s been temporarily promoted doesn’t perform well at the higher grade, remove the temporary promotion immediately, adjust their salary and revert their grade back.


  • Having an absent Activity Manager doesn’t automatically qualify someone for promotion and a temporary salary increase. An individual must be authorised to carry out work at the higher grade.
  • Temporary promotion cannot be paid for more than six months without a job being advertised across ACME. Any exceptions must be approved by HR. Advertise well in advance.
  • Temporary promotions are reviewed every six months by the Activity Manager and HR to make sure they’re still appropriate.
  • During the period of temporary promotion, if the role is assessed as needing to be done at a higher grade, it will be advertised on the next available flexible resourcing cycle. The person fulfilling the role on temporary promotion will only be eligible to apply for the role if they have applied for the higher grade and been approved by a panel.
  • Only if the role becomes an ‘exception’ will the person filling it temporarily be able to compete for it on substantive promotion, or extend the length of the temporary promotion.