Provides guidance to you and your manager on procedures which apply when a member of staff leaves the Civil Service through resignation or dismissal.
If you decide to resign
If you decide to resign, please notify your HR representative in writing copying your manager.
Acceptance of resignation
HR will confirm in writing that your resignation has been accepted.
Before you leave, you will be required to give your security pass to reception and other official papers and equipment to your manager. You will also be told of your continuing responsibilities under the Official Secrets Acts, and of the need for certain staff to seek authorisation to take up business appointments after Government service.
Pension benefits
My Civil Pensions will contact you and will provide you with further information on your pension benefits.
More information on pensions available on the Civil Service website.
Outstanding annual leave
HR will calculate your leave entitlement up to your last day of service.
You should take any outstanding annual and flexi-hours leave before then. If your manager confirms you were unable to do so because of pressure of work or sickness, the department may make a payment in lieu of leave – normally up to a maximum of 10 days. If you have taken more than your entitlement the appropriate deduction will be made from your final pay.
Deductions from salary
As the department will no longer be making deductions from your salary in order to pay your subscriptions/contributions to any organisations you have nominated, you will need to contact them direct to make any new arrangements.
Forwarding address
Please ensure your address is up to date on Oracle before you leave so any future correspondence can be forwarded to you.
Your final pay slip and P45 will be sent direct to your home address. Please note that we cannot issue duplicate P45s.
If you leave and wish to return you may be able to apply for reinstatement. Please speak to HR if this is the case.
Notice by you
Notice period by you
Your notice period will be detailed in your contract of employment.
Retirement after pension retirement age
If you continue in service after your pension retirement age you are expected to give three months notice. This allows time to make necessary pension arrangements.
Actuarially reduced retirement
If you are taking actuarially reduced retirement you must give six months notice, unless the department agrees to a shorter period.
Notice by the Department
Notice by the department
The department will normally give the minimum periods of notice shown below, except in cases of gross misconduct where the period of notice to be given is entirely within the discretion of the department.
Notice on age retirement and dismissal on grounds of inefficiency
The following periods of notice are the minimum which must be given to staff who:
- retire on age grounds
- are dismissed on grounds of inefficiency
Fixed Term appointments
If you are on a fixed term contract or on a recurring temporary appointment you should be given a minimum notice period of two weeks.
Notice on medical retirement
Notice on medical retirement
In cases of medical retirement, the following periods of notice allow sufficient time for you or your Trade Union to decide whether there are grounds for appeal:
- 5 weeks for members of staff who are still on probation. This may be extended by up to a further 3 weeks if they are considering appealing against the decision
- 9 weeks in other cases
It is unlikely that the department can agree to:
- retirement taking place before the date of the retirement certificate
- the member of staff remaining at work or resuming duty because they are waiting for the outcome of their appeal