Draft a speech Guide


Before you start, ask yourself:


  • size, status, age, profile, interests, agenda?
  • what does the audience want to hear?
  • what does the minister want to say to them? What:
    • is the speech for (not ‘about’)?
    • single idea does the Minister want to convey?
    • specific things; up to three, does the Minister want to talk about/announce and how do they connect with the common theme?


  • is it: grand or informal, national or local, friendly or hostile, likely to interest local/national media: what tone is right?
  • how long is allocated for the speech and how long does the minister want to speak for?
  • what niceties have to be observed, eg people or organisations to praise or thank?


  • who is speaking before and/or after and what are they going to say?
  • what real-life examples, recent events, case histories, historic events, extraordinary facts, figures or statistics can you use to illustrate your main theme and main points and connect them together in a coherent narrative?
  • is there anything about the hosts, venue, timing or audience that can be used as illustrations (without being too obvious)?