Leader of the House briefings (Business Questions) Task

Parliamentary Team commissions briefings for Business Questions, which take place at 11.30am on Thursdays for up to one hour. MPs can ask for a debate on a subject they feel strongly about and the Leader replies for the government.


  1. Parliamentary Team will ask you for briefing and forward a template
  2. Fill in all the sections except the Parliamentary Background section
  3. Return the completed briefing template by 3pm on Tuesday for clearance by Private Office.

Last minute briefings

You may also be asked for a last minute briefing on Thursday morning. Parliamentary Team will need to get the response back to the House by 10am, so the deadline is extremely tight.


If reference is made to your policy area during Business Questions, you’ll be emailed a Hansard extract.

Follow-up letters

The Leader of the House may commit a ACME minister to writing to an MP on a specfic issue. An MP’s Case will be raised and passed on to you. You need to:

  • prepare a submission and draft letter to the MP who raised the subject
  • state in the letter that it is being copied to the Leader of the House of Commons