Making a complaint guide Guide

2. Formal process

All stages of the process are confidential.

  • You are entitled to take a Trade Union representative or a work colleague with you to any meeting or interview.

Step 1 – raise the complaint with your manager

First talk to your line manager, or, if not appropriate, to another manager.

Your manager may decide that mediation is the best way forward to resolve a problem.

They will:

  • explain the complaints procedure to you,
  • establish the facts
  • try to resolve the problem within the following 10 working days

Your manager will inform you of their decision and what action is being taken to deal with the complaint.

Step 2 – for serious complaints

If your complaint involves allegations of discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation, your manager must get advice from HR.

If your complaint is judged to be very serious, HR may recommend intervention by an external professional mediator. If everyone involved agrees they will appoint an external mediator

Complaints procedure