A fresh approach

A fresh approach

9th March 2025

The Chancellor of the Exchequer has today announced new support for local authorities to help them freeze council tax next year. New appointments to Englands National Park Authorities and the Broads Authority have been made by Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Owen Paterson. The Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said: We have agreed the key parameters of a comprehensive deal on Irans nuclear programme. The Government and the FSA published today a joint review of the UKs covered bond regulation. Watch: video recording of Justine Greenings speech at IDSWhat role does the UK have to play in creating a fairer and more sustainable world by 2030IntroductionThank you for that introduction.

Ethiopia is delivering impressive progress towards the Millennium Development Goals. Farah Dakhlallah, FCO Arabic Spokesperson, is among the final shortlist for the Asian Women of Achievement Awards. Speaking today, Minister Ellwood said: I welcome the news that the Government of Iraq has raised the Iraqi flag again in Tikrit. Mr Michael Aron has been appointed Her Majestys Ambassador to the Republic of Sudan in succession to Dr Peter Tibber, who will be transferring to another Diplomatic Service appointment. Further to the statement made on 11 June 2014 by my right hon.

The Government has today announced that it will introduce new legislation to block a tax avoidance scheme involving post-cessation trade relief. The Government has today taken steps to close two aggressive tax avoidance schemes recently disclosed to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) by a bank. The Government will invest up to £150 million to improve mobile coverage in the UK, the Chancellor announced today. The Government is today asking for applications to manage £500 million of its investment available through the Business Finance Partnership (BFP). Two commissioners, Professor Bob Elliott and Neil Goulden, are standing down.

At a meeting between Government and leading tourism employers, Tourism Minister Helen Grant and Skills Minister Nick Boles committed to helping the industry meet apprenticeship standards. The Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, today announced that £10 million of funding will be allocated to support the early phases of superfast broadband in Wales. The number of people taking part in apprenticeships and traineeships is on the increase, new figures published today (25 March 2015) have revealed. The Prime Minister today announced the publication of the UKs first ever infrastructure plan. Ms Judith Gough has been appointed Her Majestys Ambassador to Ukraine in succession to Mr Simon Smith, who will be transferring to another Diplomatic Service appointment.

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