Infrastructure Cost Review programme
16th March 2025 11:00 am - 10:45 pm
The Main Supply Estimates for central government departments, presented to the House of Commons today, seek Parliamentary authority for expenditure in 2012-13. Thank you for inviting me to join the ASCL curriculum summit today. The Government has today published a White Paper setting out proposals to fundamentally reform the structure of banking in the UK. The Government has today published the first annual report of the three year Infrastructure Cost Review programme launched in March 2011 and led by Infrastructure UK. The decision to create a combined London headquarters and policy centre and close the Sheffield office was announced by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) today (26 May 2016).
The Chancellor has today launched the National Loan Guarantee Scheme (NLGS), helping smaller businesses across the UK (with an annual group turnover of up to £50 million) access cheaper finance. The Government has today acted to shut down a contrived and aggressive income tax avoidance scheme involving property business loss relief. The Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, today announced the opening of bidding for £50 million of funding for superfast broadband roll-out in the UK. The Chancellor today announced that Dr Martin Weale has been appointed to succeed Kate Barker as external member on the Monetary Policy Committee. The Government is inviting the Lancashire and the Hull and Humber Local Enterprise Partnerships to develop proposals for two new Enterprise Zones, the Chancellor has announced.
Updated: Links to terms and conditions of the contract and the equalities statement added. Good morning ladies and gentleman, and thank you Corin [Crane, Director, Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership] for that introduction. The Treasury is today announcing the appointment of Geoffrey Spence as the new Chief Executive of Infrastructure UK. The government is changing the assessment criteria for the daily living component of Personal Independence Payment (PIP) to ensure the system is fairer with money targeted at those who need it most. Tidal lagoons have the potential to provide the country with clean and secure energy.
Today the Energy and Climate Change Committee has published their report on investor confidence. MythBy making every school an academy, education is being privatised. The Government has today launched a formal consultation on a new general anti-abuse rule (GAAR) to tackle artificial and abusive tax avoidance schemes. Government has allowed suppliers to try out different ways of helping people monitor their energy use with smart meters by trialling alternatives to the ln Home Display. There are more than half a million more people in work compared to this time last year, bringing the total number in employment to 31.
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