Draft a submission Task

Get a decision from a Minister, update them on issues or provide them with specific information they’ve requested.

Ministers have many competing pressures and need to be able to consider a submission speedily and easily. Make your submission concise and focused.


  • ask yourself, is all the information you’ve included directly relevant and essential?
  • provide all the key details so that Ministers can make an informed, well-reasoned decision
  • use plain English and avoid jargon, to make the key issues clear and comprehensible
  • make sure all the information is accurate
  • if you’re asking Ministers to decide on something, provide options, where possible, and a clear, well-argued recommendation
  • if your issue is sensitive or high-profile, clear your submission with the Special Advisers first and let the Minister’s Private Office know this has been done, also consider clearing it with the Permanent Secretary
  • if your issue could spark interest from the media, ask Press Office to feed in and put a press officer on your submission’s distribution list
  • send submissions to the relevant junior minister first, and where they concern high-profile issues, spending commitments or policies of particular interest, on to the Secretary of State
  • email your final draft to the relevant ministerial mailbox, copying in the relevant Private Secretary of other Ministerial offices, and send two, flagged, hard copies to Private Office
  • allow a week for clearance – never rely on an overnight turn-around: if your submission is urgent, mark this clearly, give a deadline and reason, and alert the Private Secretary in advance

If you’re unsure who needs to clear your submission, contact the relevant Private Secretary for advice.

The Private Secretary will feed back the minister’s decision and/or views. Make sure you file submissions and feedback: Private Office don’t store this information.